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栏目分类:入学指南   发布日期:2024-02-17   浏览次数:

1,这里的空气污染英文翻译The air here is polluted.城市比农村有较多的空气污染 the city has the many air pollution compared to the countryside 2,环境越来越差空气污染水污染垃圾污染用英语怎么说环境
1,这里的空气污染英文翻译The air here is polluted.城市比农村有较多的空气污染 the city has the many air pollution compared to the countryside


2,环境越来越差空气污染水污染垃圾污染用英语怎么说环境越来越差:The environment is getting worse and worse.Air pollution:空气污染。Water pollution:水污染。Garbage pollution:垃圾污染。


3,污染的空气用英文怎么说空气污染air pollutionair空气pollution污染Air pollutioncontaminate airpolluted airair pollutionair pollution


4,用英语怎么翻译空气污染严重气息难闻学校的饮用水遭到污染the air pollution is very severe,the smell is badthe water of this school is also polluted, which infect the health of the teachers and studentsthe car loading pesticide pass by the gate of our school everyday, which is also a potential safety hazard.愿望我的答复能够让你满意,祝好。How do in English translation: air pollution is serious, smelled, school of contaminated drinking water, teachers and students of health, pull pesticide vehicles after school every day at the door, there is the security hidden dangerAir pollution is serious, smell is very afflictive, the drinking water of the school is polluted, the health of the teachers and students are influenced, there is a safety loophole that the trucks with pesticides pass the school gate everyday.空气污染严重= Air pollution is serious气息难闻=The smell is ill-smelling学校饮用的食水遭到污染=School drinking water contaminated影响师生健康=It affects the teachers and students health因此有安全隐患=Thus there are security risk.
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